Happy Birthday

Dieses Thema enthält 0 Antworten, hat 1 Stimme, und wurde zuletzt vor vor 7 Jahre, 7 Monaten von  Dorothee aktualisiert.

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  • #5355 Antwort


    Dear Mr. Quinn,

    I wish you all the best for your 85th birthday and the upcoming years. I also wish you all the best for your future with Rosie.

    I will also take this opportunity to thank you for your inspiration to travel the world. „Kanada, kennst du Kanada? Jetzt in Kanada, das wär schön…“ I am visiting Canada since 17th May this year and I am staying here for some more days. I am so happy, that my dream came true, the dream which grew with your movie „Unter fremden Sternen“. Canada is such a beautiful country, especially West Alberta and British Columbia, but all the other provinces I have been to, have their beauty, too – Saskatchewan included.

    Btw: I have been to Maligne Lake, because I thought, the named movie had been made there. Well there, I was not so sure about it anymore. Please, send a list of the places, where your movies were made, to the Freddy Quinn Archiv, though Brigitta und Eduard can put it online. I really would appreciate it!

    Thank you so much!

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